Since what we do a LOT of around here is craft, I wanted to share our favorite hot glue gun and glue sticks
If I was glueing something in a pinch any old dollar store glue gun would do but for my precision work I LOVE this gun from gorilla glue: (yup, that’s an affiliate link – you get my favorite glue gun and wide open gets a tiny cut)
And to fill it – I am such a glue SNOB. I will never ever again use a 4″ stick. That’s right, I buy 8″ mini sticks by the CASE. There is no other way to work! I hate stopping mid-glue to refil the gun!! (one more affiliate link for you)
And the biggest HOT GLUE SECRET: always, and I mean ALWAYS have a bowl of ice/snow/water on the craft table. When you get hot glue on your fingers, put them in the cold water. This cools the glue so you can remove it without burning your other fingers! that glue is scalding hot so if you try to wipe it with your other hand, you burn more fingers, if you try to wipe it on your pants, you ruin your pants! Put the burning fingers into the bowl! Thank me later. because this just in….HOT GLUE IS HOT!
What other craft supplies can I tell you about? After all – we craft a LOT around here!
And while I’m here… Here is the bubble machine we used in our last show – the Tippy Table!